Chinese astrology famous celebrity horoscopes

Chinese astrology famous horoscope readings of the century- Steve jobs Yang Fire – Design artist with m_iDas touch?

Famous Chinese horoscope Steve JobsChinese astrology horoscope of Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (February 24th, 1955 – 6th October 2011) He is an American business magnate and co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple. He also served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios and joined the board of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, following the sale of Pixar to Disney. Steve was born in a Wood Sheep year, Earth Tiger month, Fire Dragon day in a Metal Rabbit hour.

Chinese astrology feature - extraordinary life horoscope

Chinese astrology four pillar chart

Chinese astrology feature – Midas touch?
The first thing to notice about this horoscope is that the day stem of Yang Fire is timely and strong in the spring month of Tiger. Luckily, his root, that is the same element – fire found in rows 3 to 5 of this chart had a huge influence as it allowed him to live an extremely prosperous life. With supportive elements in all his pillars, he desperately needs the Earth element in his month and year pillars representing business and society. This element signifies people or humanities of which he made a significant contribution with his iconic Apple Mac, Ipod and Iphone products. His Tiger, Rabbit and Dragon signs combine showing that he is a team player and he has been quoted as saying “Great things in business are not done by one person, they are done by a team of people”.

Chinese astrology and the secret of his success

Chinese astrology horospcope The strongest element in any chart is always indicated by the month branch element. In this case, it is Tiger, which has the wood element and represents support, friendship and dedication or drive. With the triple combination and other wood elements, his fire is too strong and needs cooling down. Water therefore will be his favourite element and not surprisingly, this represents communications. Personally, it represents his power and following communications was his secret of success.

This is surely borne out by his life and his reputation and allowed him to gain recognition whilst under the water influence. Consequently, he was awarded the National Medal of Technology from President Ronald Reagan in 1985 along with Steve Wozniak (the first people to ever receive the honour), and a Jefferson Award for Public Service in the category "Greatest Public Service by an Individual 35 Years or Under".

Chinese astrology and finding the strongest horoscope element

Chinese astrology and finding the strongest element
As just mentioned in the last paragraph, the month branch will always tell you which element is the strongest in any chart. Why is this? Well, the month animal sign tracks the rise and fall of the five elements over the course of a year and if an element is found on row 3, it is considered most timely and therefore strongest. The elements at row 4 or five are also timely but not as strong as row 3. The Tiger indicates that wood is strongest in February at this time of birth and this indicates support and an ability to plan and market businesses. His triple combination with the Dragon and Rabbit created great strategic advantages such as buying a company for US$ 10 million and then selling it to Disney for US$ 7.4 billion.

As it is quite amazing how entering a Chinese astrology luck pillar can affect your life, why don’t you have a free astrology horoscope now. Or you can order a professional reading and we will interpret it for you.

The aim of Chinese astrology in feng shui

Chinese astrologyAs I am sure you know, Feng Shui deals with the energy of an environment. The aim of a feng shui consultation is therefore to balance all energy therein including people, where we incorporate the most influential element to enhance personal qi and help them get the most from life. Chinese astrology is the best way of understanding human energy; after all, it is also used in Chinese medicine. If working with Steve Jobs, we would recommend incorporating the water element into his office and life. Coincidentally, the apple logo corresponds to the water element due to its flowing form and you can see just how influential this has been to him. There is no doubt that when under the water influence, important events have occurred in his life. Let us looks at his historic landmarks. 
1972 Water Rat annual Chinese animal sign. Steve Jobs graduated from high school and enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Although he dropped out after only one semester, he continued auditing classes at Reed, such as one in calligraphy. Jobs later stated, "If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts",

In 1976, the Yang Fire Dragon year being the same as his day pillar allowed him to finally create his vehicle of success when together with Stephen Wozniak, Ronald Wayne, and later A.C. "Mike" Markkula Jr. they founded Apple.

1983, Steve Jobs lured John Sculley away from Pepsi-Cola to serve as Apple's CEO, asking, "Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or do you want to come with me and change the world?" This water pig year clashed in May 1985 and following an internal power struggle and an announcement of significant layoffs, Sculley relieved Jobs of his duties as head of the Macintosh division.

1984 Wood Rat (water element) year and beginning of new sixty year cycle in Chinese astrology. 
Apple set out to do just that, starting with a Super Bowl television commercial entitled "1984." At Apple's annual shareholders meeting on January 24 1984, an emotional Jobs introduced the Macintosh to a wildly enthusiastic audience. The Macintosh became the first commercially successful small computer with a graphical user interface.

In 1986, a Yang Fire year signifying prosperity, Jobs bought the Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar) from Lucasfilm's computer graphics division for the price of $10 million, $5 million of which was given to the company as capital.

In 1995 he entered a new luck pillar of Yang Fire Horse which signified cutbacks and the potential to lose money. However, whatever was lost was quickly make back when he emerged into the next luck pillar of Yin Fire Goat. The company then enjoyed great critical acclaim from producing films such as Toy Story in 1995, another water year. Over the next ten plus years, the company would produce the box-office hits A Bug's Life (1998), Toy Story 2 (1999), Monsters, Inc. (2001), Finding Nemo (2003) and The Incredibles (2004). Also in 1996, Apple announced that it would buy NeXT for $429 million. The deal was finalised in late 1996, a Yang Fire Rat year bringing Jobs back to the company he co-founded.

In 2005 he entered a new luck pillar of Yang Earth Monkey; the earth element represented his creativity and design prowess. The Monkey reacted with the Dragon to create a semi water combination that lead to the development of iPod portable music player, iTunes digital music software, and the iTunes Store, the company made forays into consumer electronics and music distribution. In 2007, Apple entered the cellular phone business with the introduction of the iPhone, a multi-touch display cell phone. As it is quite amazing how entering a Chinese astrology luck pillar can affect your life, why don’t you have a free astrology horoscope now or order a professional reading and we will interpret it for you.

Disclaimer These short excerpts of astrological charts are, by no means, of a personal nature. This text provides the meanings of elements, or combination of elements in pillars and time cycles. As a result, no negative aspect, which may damage a celebrity’s reputation are published.

"Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents fate; the way you play it is free will." Jawaharlal Nehru